Traditional cider making

Cider is a diverse group of products and many people are not aware of the long traditions for producing the original type of cider. This course will focus on the traditional approach to cider making. The course will include lectures in apple varieties, juice making, fermentation, maturation, clarification, stabilisation, blending and final treatment. We will put special emphasis on cider making in a brewery. We will taste different ciders as introduction to cider styles. The participants will themselves make an exercise in product development. We will give examples of how to combine cider and food and there will be an introduction to the cider market and cider regulations. On day 2, we will make a practical exercise in apple pressing and fermentation and on day 3, we will visit a juice factory.

Who will benefit?
Cider and beer enthusiasts, wine and beer journalists, food bloggers, home brewers as well as technical staff from the brewing and beverage industries employed in product development.

What is required?
We recommend a basic awareness of food production, but it is not required.

When, where and how much?
Three days at SSB in Copenhagen. Please see ‘Calendar & Prices’

act cat4

cal price 3

appl form 3